Archive АКС, второй стандарт чихуа, 1934 год


It was moved and carried that the new standard for Chihuahuas as adopted by the Chihuahua Club of America, be approved and is as follows:
HEAD – Well rounded “apple dome” skull, with molera. Cheeks and jaws lean. Nose moderately short, slightly pointed, self-colored, pink or black, depending on the color of the dog. (e.g. in moles, blues, chocolates, the noses are self-colored; in blond types, pink.)
TEETH – Level.
EYES – Full, but not protruding, balance, set well apart, dark, ruby, luminous.
NECK – Slightly arched, gracefully sloping into lean shoulders, ruff or close haired about the neck. Shoulders lean, sloping into a slightly broadening support above straight fore legs that are set well under, giving free play at the elbows, with fine pasterns. Shoulders should be well up, giving balance and soundness, sloping into a level back, and never “down” or low. his also gives a “chestiness” and strength of fore quarters, yet not of the “bulldog” chest, but plenty of brisket.
BACK – Level, slightly longer than the height. (Short back desired in males.)
FEET – Small, toes well split up, but not spread, pads cushioned. Is neither the “hare” not the “cat” foot. A dainty little foot, with nails moderately long.
HINDQUARTERS - Muscular hocks well apart, but not out, well let down, firm sturdy action.
TAIL - Moderately long, (when not a natural bob, or tail-less). Carried cycle, either up or out, but not tucked under. Hair on the tail in harmony with the coat of the body, preferred furry. Bob-tails and tail-less, so born, are not against a good dog.
COAT - In the smooths should be of a soft, smooth texture, close and glossy. In dark colors, well placed over the body and neck, more scanty on the head and ears. The long-haired should have fringed ears, legs and tail with the coat on the body semi-long, soft and silken, similar to the coat of the Papillon.
COLOR – any: solid or marked or splashed.
WEIGHT – One to six pounds. Two to four pounds preferable. If two dogs are equally good the more diminutive is preferred.
GENERAL APPEARANCE – A graceful, alert, swift-moving little dog with a saucy expression, compact, with terrier qualities.
DISQUALIFICATION – Cropped tail, broken down or cropped ears.
SCALE OF POINTS – Head 20. Coat 10. Tail 5. Color 5. Legs 10. Weight 10. General Appearance and action 20.
TOTAL ------------------------ 100