The Fundamentals of Judging

                                              Richard  Beauchamp




There is nothing more helpful to the new or aspiring judge than having someone with long-time experience and knowledge offer to take on the role of mentor. Although the mentor cannot learn for the beginner, it is extremely beneficial to have someone to turn to when the inevitable questions arise.


It was my good fortune to have had someone offer their assistance when I began judging because just about the time I felt I had everything pretty well nailed down, along came that super big “?” for which I had no answer at all.


I discussed this with my mentor and her response was one I have never forgotten: “Unfortunately, we learn on the customers,” she said, “and you will continue to learn from the first show you judge until the day you decide to retire and turn in your badge,” she went on.


No one, no matter how brilliant they are, starts with as much knowledge of a breed as they will have gained after years of judging that breed. The reason, quite simply, is that judging dogs is an art and like any artistic endeavor it takes time, trial and error to hone one’s expertise.


Anyone who wants to be a good judge must be prepared to spend the time and study the endeavor will require. It can be mind-boggling when one begins to take inventory of what is necessary to extend one’s knowledge beyond the first breed that most people have spent many years becoming familiar with.


In order to clear the way for the information one will need to support his efforts to become a competent judge, there are certain essentials that must be clearly understood and acquired. They are as follows.




                                     JUDGING ESSENTIALS



1. A clear picture of ideal breed type.


2. Accuracy.


3. The ability to reach logical and just conclusions.


4. Honesty and courage of convictions.


5. The ability to give good reasons.



There is no school a person can attend to acquire these essentials. Some take many years of study and comparison and will involve readjustments as time passes. Some are the result of the individual’s personal standards, and others are simply the reflection of a person’s level of integrity. We will, however, take a look at these essentials one at a time so they are clearly understood by one and all that have any aspirations in the realm of judging.



         Understanding Breed Type



It is impossible to judge any breed well if the person does not have a crystal clear picture of what the ideal specimen of that breed looks like. A person must fully understand what the elements are that are actually included in the word “type” if he is to recognize a “typey” dog when he sees one. Otherwise, the student wanders aimlessly through their life as a dog person, never really understanding what it is they are looking for or recognizing it when they do see it.


My studies and research through the years resulted in my devoting an entire book to that one copy (Solving the Mysteries of Breed Type). The book has become a basic must for anyone who plans on progressing beyond the novice level.


After long and careful consideration (and more years of readjustment than I care to think about!), I came up with a list of the characteristics with which I evaluate dogs and which the great dogs I have known have scored very heavily.




These may not be how others see the essentials of breed type, but they are mine:



1. Breed Character.


2. Silhouette.


3. Head/expression.


4. Movement.


5. Coat.



                                   Breed Character.


The most obvious thing about any dog when it enters the ring is whether or not it carries itself and acts as it should for that specific breed. Does it enter the ring with the attitude and deportment that is correct for that breed? A good many judges say breed character is one of the most important things they look for in evaluating a dog. Character is best described as the sum total of all those mental and physical characteristics that define not only what the breed should look like, but how it should act.






As I drive down the street, what catches my eye and makes me look is the overall silhouette of a dog. What my eye tells my brain is whether or not the animal I am looking at is a particular breed. Closer examination will undoubtedly reveal how good a specimen of the breed the dog is, but the closer the dog’s silhouette comes to the ideal, the more quickly I will identify the breed and the more apt that dog is to be a quality individual. Therefore, it is the whole that classifies the breed and the details within that framework that tell me how closely the dog conforms to my interpretation of the ideal.


It is proportions that create the correct silhouette. Thus, all the years involved in study and research to determine the breed’s correct proportions have not as one might say, been to naught! Proportions are something concrete. A neck that is one third the length of the body is something you can see. One third of the dog’s body length is exactly that. One third of anything is exactly that. There is no mystery about it. And so it goes for the entire dog. Once you have taught yourself what the correct proportions are, you will be able to recognize the correct dogs by their silhouettes because the sum of all the correct parts made that silhouette!


In order for the overall silhouette to be accurate, the parts that created it must themselves be pretty close to being correct: the height to length balance must be there; muzzle to skull proportions must be in the right balance; the neck must be of the proper length and set. In most cases, the dog that you observe as correct standing still will also be pretty close to correct when moving about. If that silhouette is also held in movement, the parts are not only there, but they also working correctly.





Without its unmistakable face and its particular expression, even the dog whose character and silhouette tells you it is a member of that breed would be a disappointment. There can be no argument with that. Would it be an Eskie without the breed’s dark-eyed, intense expression? If a Border Collie’s gaze puts you in mind of a Basset Hound, could it truly be a Border Collie? That head is part and parcel of what gives us a breed. Notice I say head is part of what gives us the breed, not all. Do not make the mistake of believing it is all that distinguishes a breed. Breed type extends far beyond a dog’s head.


Movement. Many standards are quite precise in their description of movement. If a dog moves poorly it is usually due to the dog’s construction. I am not talking about attitude here, that is a matter of temperament. I am talking about what the legs do or do not do - whether or not the movement is actually correct for its breed. A dog can only move properly for its breed if it is constructed properly.


Here we must digress a bit. You will note that I have italicized the words “for its breed”. All breeds are not constructed the same and therefore all dogs will not and should not move the same. It is important that the judge clearly understand the correct construction of a given breed so that he will also understand what kind of movement that construction demands.


When you change construction, you are tampering with breed type. It is not perfectly fine for one breed to move like another. A draught dog is not to cover ground like a gun dog. A spaniel does not move as fast as an Afghan Hound, nor should it. Nor on the other hand is a spaniel as slow or does it roll like a Bulldog.


If all breeds were allowed to move in the same way, we would soon have a whole race of dogs differing only in size and color and the amount of hair they carry. They would quite simply be “generic dogs”.


There is too great an inclination to use the same yardstick to measure quality in vastly different breeds. One of those measurements is speed. For whatever the reason, exhibitors seem to think speed is an essential of a top winning show dog.


It makes so little sense, and yet one would think that if you can get a Bulldog to move (as I’ve heard so often), “as well as a German Shepherd”, you have a better Bulldog.





In the case of most breeds, we should be concerned here with both color and texture. Unfortunately it seems far more attention is given to amount of coat than anything else, and this is not simply a “judge thing”. Interestingly, exhibitors are far more apt to show a dog that is out of condition or lacking soundness long before they would consider showing a dog that is out of coat.


Most standards for the utility breeds describe a coat that assisted the dogs in performing in the capacity for which the breed was created. An Alaskan Malamute with a long silky coat would disqualify it forever insofar as its ability to work in the snow. Would not a fault of this nature be of the most serious kind?


The same applies to the gun dogs. Would not a coat of the texture that absorbs and holds water represent the most grievous fault a Retriever could have? Yet both breeders and judges overlook entirely incorrect coats constantly.


A judge’s picture of ideal type is constantly honed and refined by having that picture compared to many dogs in the course of judging. Seeing a good specimen of the breed once will not do the trick. Comparisons over the years help the eye become aware of deviations of the ideal, no matter how subtle those deviations might be.





(This article originally appeared in the November 2013 issue of BLOODLINES Dog Event News.)






      Movement, an Integral Part of Breed Type


                                                          Richard  Beauchamp           





 We have many breeds that were designed with a specific purpose in mind - to work. And the manner in which they worked pretty well determined just about everything about them: they way they looked, they way they behaved, and above all the way they moved.


That of course does not apply to all breeds, some breeds had no real work to do but they most definitely had purpose. That purpose was to please. Not just by having a generally pleasant look and character, but also by their very specific look they appealed to certain people in a specific way. The point to remember is that they were developed in a very particular way and the closer they conformed to the ideal set up for the breed, the more pleasing they were.



That construction dictated the way the breed moved and that heritage deserves recognition. The breed’s movement then is every bit as important as the working dog’s movement is to it.



Over the centuries in North America, the finals of a dog show - the Groups and Bests In Show - have taken such precedence that in the mind of the vast majority winning the Group under some judge that is barely associated with the breed creates more pride than winning a hotly contested Best of Breed under a renowned breed expert.


Not so in the Great Britain. There, “winning the ticket,” (in our terms “championship points”) is the most important win of the day. And so, if the Group has been called and the breed judging is not complete - let it be! The important thing is winning in the classes.


Our obsession with Group and Best In Show wins has placed us at high risk of all breeds converging toward a commonality. Why, because in the finals competition speed, flash and glamour rise above all - whether it is appropriate or not.


Carried to the extreme, this would produce a generic dog that is extroverted and fast, that covers ground well in profile and can come and go with legs moving in a straightforward, far-reaching fashion.


Do understand there is nothing wrong with any of the characteristics so mentioned in so long as they are appropriate for the breed. Not all breeds were meant to move in the fashion just described. Attractive and flashy, yes. Universally correct, absolutely not!



When a breed begins to drift toward this generic movement, as subtle as it may initially be, other changes begin to take place and these changes affect breed type. There are many examples I can give you, but there is one in particular that is relatively recent and illustrates how infectious and pervasive these changes are.




                                             “Loose Leads, Please”



While it used to be within the realm of the judge to offer critiques of the dogs, it appears now to be the fashion for the exhibitor to offer critiques of the breed publication, “... His judging style proved unpopular with exhibitors as he persisted with trying to get dogs to move on a loose lead rather than strung up, as is the norm.”


The truly sad thing about the above is not that the judge was being criticized; judges have become accustomed to having their decisions questioned. No, the very unfortunate part of the statement is the words “strung up as is the norm” (showing the dog on such a tight lead the front feet are barely touching the ground) is the norm. The breed in question was a member of the Sporting Dog Group and the statement would make the true Sporting Dog aficionado shudder in horror!


Understand that while I am discussing a specific breed and group here, it applies across the board. It appears at some point along the way it was decided that the front assembly on many show dogs was simply that part of the anatomy put there to produce the extreme toplines that are now in vogue. Upright shoulders and short straight upper arms give elevation to the front. With the exaggerated angulation many of these breeds have behind, we have toplines that would scare off a downhill skier!


With upright fronts and rears so powerfully angulated, the dogs have either to side wind or to tuck their rear quarters under themselves and raise their rear ends sky- ward to avoid overstepping their fronts.



                                                       When There’s a Will …



Leave it to American ingenuity - when there’s a will there’s a way. American breeders (or should we say American exhibitors?) found a way to compensate for this problem without having to bother with the boring and time consuming ordeal of a breeding program. The alternative was a simple one. Simply push the lead up under the dog’s chin and “string up” the dog’s front so that the entire front-end assembly is hanging on the end of the lead. The rear quarters then propel the dog forward at the speed of the handler. The dog’s front legs are in motion but they serve no functional purpose.


This is not the only movement problem we face in our “modern American show dogs”. We have many breeds we can look to whose extremely short legs are crooked by intent and produce the correct movement for the respective breeds.


Having the Basset Hound move with the rapid-fire reach and drive of a Sighthound can only be accomplished in one way - by straightening and lengthening the front legs. First, it must be understood that the Basset Hound was created to be a plodding, slow paced hunting dog that the hunter could easily follow and keep up with. In order to accomplish this, the creators of the breed bred for construction that would achieve this end - the extremely short legs that wraparound the body and restrict movement - they were and are correct for the breed.


The Bulldog and Pekingese standards ask for construction which is the absolute antithesis of that called for in the generic “sound” dogs that are well-angulated front and rear. The Chow Chow standard calls for a dead straight rear quarter, which has the dog move with the short stilted gait that is a hallmark of the breed.


In order to achieve the popular concept of “great show dog movement” in these breeds, their construction would have to be changed. Perhaps imperceptibly at first but as is so typical with human concepts, if a little is good, a whole lot would be a whole lot better.


Sometimes incorrect movement is not always as extreme as some just described; often it is far subtler, but nonetheless important to take note of. For instance, the case of movement among the Setters - few can argue the glamour and excitement created by the Irish Setter’s flashy ground-covering movement. The breed moves as it does because of what it was created to do in the field. Working on Ireland’s relatively flat terrain the Irishman could move forward throwing caution to the wind.


The purpose of the Gordon Setter, on the other hand, was much different than that of its Irish cousin. The Gordon worked on the rocky inhospitable terrain of the Scottish Highlands. Care and deliberation in movement were important to the breed.


Racing headlong across the moors could prove extremely dangerous to the feet and legs of the breed to say nothing of the poor hunter’s ability to keep up with the dog. Thus the Scots bred to create a dog who was shorter coupled, heavier bodied and boned, and slower moving than the lithe, whip cord bodied Irishman.


The English Setter was a hunter that worked all kinds of terrain, open meadow, rocky stubble, hills and dales. He is the moderate dog of the three. Not so extreme in any respect as his two cousins.

Those wanting or expecting Irish Setter movement should look to the Irish Setter and not the Gordon or the English. Should we not honor the very intent and purpose of these breeds? Only an idiot would be able to convince himself that the only difference the founders of these three breeds wanted was in color!


Those who taught me led me to believe it is often tradition itself that maintains a standard in dog breeds. One need only look to the Greyhound standard to understand the point. I guess those of us from the old school have to get wise to the fact that new traditions can arise, but I still have a twinge of heart when the new traditions cancel out those things which have been considered hallmarks of a breed. Things like the movement that is often unique to a single breed.


Granted, two different worlds are yesterday and today. Back in those good-old-bad-old-days those irascible old judges we showed under would never have allowed us to even hint at stringing up our dogs. A dog moving out in front on the end of slightly taut lead was about as far as we could get with those old timers and that was on their kinder days.


We took a great deal of pride in the fact that our dogs could perform on their own at their own rate of speed. I still find this natural movement both attractive and important to the essence of a breed, and there is absolutely no way that changing a dog’s manner of movement can be accomplished without changing the structure to accommodate that change.  






Richard G. (Rick) Beauchamp has been successfully involved in practically every facet of purebred dogs: breeding, exhibiting, publishing, writing. He is the author of numerous breed and all breed books including the best-selling Solving the Mysteries of Breed Type and Breeding Dogs for Dummies. He has judged all breeds throughout the world and was one of the United Kennel Club’s first all breed judges.




(This article originally appeared in the February 2012 issue of BLOODLINES Dog Event News).